78.How to add $ (Dollar) symbol to values of a Report?
table row is pulling from dataset and
and i want display like this see below table
Coutry | Currency |
US(dollar) | $10,000 |
UK(pound) | £15,040 |
Spain(euro) | €1,21,040 |
2. Have you created reports from cube?
3. How can U create a Report from Procedure?
4. Wt is Report Publishing/deploying? And its process/navigation (OR)
How many ways we deploy the Reports in SSRS? Tell me about , Syntax for Command Line Deployment?
5. Display Alternative Color to alternative Rows?
6. Using 2-DataSets how to create a Single Table/Report?
Ans: no we can’t.
7. 2-DataSets using Report?
8. How to pass multi-valued parameter to stored procedure in dataset?
9. Variables & Parameters, Diff?
10. Diff bw parameters & Filters?
Filters occur after the data is downloaded.
Query parameters are executed at the server and only that data is returned.
11. Reporting Life Cycle?
12. Wt are the new features available in 2005, 08, 08R2,12 reporting services?
13. Architecture changes in 2012?
14. Diff bw List & Rectangle?
15. Wt type of Reports you created in your project?
16. Scripts?
17. Reports delivery, subscription?
18. Configuration files in RS?
The rs.config file defines the relay server farm, including peer relay servers, back-end server farms and their server nodes.
Sybase recommends that you generate the file in Sybase Control Center. Then, if there are additional changes you need to make, you can implement those manually.
• For IIS: C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\IAS_relay_server\Server\rs.config
• For Apache: <Apache_Home>/modules/rs.config
19. Is there is any possibility to taka a calendar date for a parameter value in a cascaded parameter as current date?
20. What is toggle item?
21. How many types of reports are created till now?(More than 50/60 is better I think)
22. Wt is ReportServerDataBase?
23. How do you provide the security to the Reports?
24. When you creating reports what are the complexity you faced?
25. Drill Down Reports?
26. Wt is Matrix Reports?
27. Diff bw Table & Matrix Reports?
28. Types of Reports, SET Operations?
29. Wt is Tablix Properties?
30. Tell about Parameterised reports?
31. Diff bw Queried & Cascaded Parameter Reports?
32. Types of Data Sources and Differences?
33. Tell about Linked Report?
34. Wt is Report Builder? Do you have used Report Builder?
35. Wt type of Reports created on Report Builder?
36. How many types of Data Sources used in your Report?
37. Wt is Linked Report ? how to create it.
38. Wt is Sub Report? And how to create it? How many Sub Reports you created?
39. Bar Code Reports, Excel sheet Barcode Reports
40. If you made changes in DSV it will affect physical table?
Ans: Yes , possible. “WriteBack” option is there in 2008R2
41. Can you create a Hierarchy
42. Types of Reports?
43. Types of Variables?
44. Can you use a stored procedure to provide data to an SSRS report?
Yes, you can use a stored procedure to provide data to an SSRS report by configuring the dataset to use a stored procedure command type. However, your stored procedure should return only a single result set. If it returns multiple result sets, only the first one is used for the report dataset.
45. CountRow / RowCount in SSRS?
46. Wt is Report Server ? wt are the Reports you created in your project?
47. Tell me about your Geo Spatio Report?
48. SQL Script or EQL Script?
49. Data Regions?
50. Filters types & Parameters Types?
DataSet Parameter: The purpose of a Dataset Parameter (aka Query Parameter) is to perform a filter within the source query. Report Parameter : The Report Parameter properties contain all of the settings related to a parameter (available values, default values, etc). A Report Parameter might or might not be associated to a Dataset Parameter. Unless it's hidden, the purpose of a Report Parameter is to interact with the user:
The vast majority of the time, a Report Parameter is associated to a Dataset Parameter – i.e., its purpose is to filter the data being displayed based on the user’s selection. However, if a Report Parameter is not bound to a Dataset Parameter, the Report Parameter could be used for all kinds of cool & creative things related to layout, formatting, or actions.
Report Filter. This includes filtering after the source query has come back – on a data region (like the Tablix), or a data grouping. When you implement a filter within the report, when the report is re-executed again with different parameter choices, the Report Server uses cached data rather than returning to the database server. This is a viable option if you intentionally want to return all possible data from the database server in the initial query. Keep in mind this could be far less performant if the volume of data is high & the report won’t be re-executed numerous times.
51. Diff bw Local & Glowbal Variables?
54. How do you reference an Embedded function in a Report?
55. Wt happens if you don’t specify parameter value in a SubScription? Here parameter doesn’t have default value?
56. Wt mechanism do you identify to Reduce the OverHead of DataSource?
57. Can you Edit RDL Code associated with a Linked Report?
58. How do you running aggregations in SSRS?
59. Report Parameter?
60. Wt is the Main purpose of Embedded Code in a Report?
61. Issues in creating a Report in Real Time?
62. Report Server, Report Manager, Diff?
63. Snap Shot,
64. Cascading Params,
65. Shared Data Source?
66. Through Wizard How many Reports you created?
67. Diff bw Drill Through & Sub Reports?
68. I provided entire requirements to you Then how to create reports > Steps?
69. Wt type of Queries used in your Report?
70. You want to create an Excel interactive report from SSRS. In SSRS, can you create the same interactive experience in Excel that you would have on the Web?
No, you cannot create the same experience with SSRS. you can, however, use Excel to create such an experience.
71. How do you configure a running aggregate in SSRS?
You can use the RunningValue function to configure a running aggregate.
72. What is the main purpose of a report parameter?
The main purpose of a report parameter is to add interactivity to your reports, letting users change the report behavior based on options they select.
73. behavior based on options they select.
74. What is the main purpose of a query parameter?
The main purpose of a query parameter is to filter data in the data source.
75. What is the main benefit of using embedded code in a report?
The main benefit of using embedded code in a report is that the code you write at the report level can be reused in any expression in the report.
76. What programming language would you use to create embedded functions in SSRS?
An SSRS report supports only visual Basic .nET embedded code.
Data warehouse refers to the technique for gathering and then managing the data from different sources.